Thomas C. Ting, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering
Building & Room:
2093 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, MC 246, Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Research Interests
Wave propagation
Continuum mechanics
Anisotropic elasticity
Composite materials
Surface waves
Plastic waves
Nonlinear waves
Selected Publications
1. Recent Book – T. C. T. Ting, “Anisotropic elasticity: theory and Applications,” Oxford University Press. 570 pages, 1996.
2. [163] T. C. T. Ting, “A modified Lekhnitskii formalism a la Stroh for anisotropic elasticity and classifications of the 6X6 matrix N,” Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A455, 69-89 (1999).
3. [165] T. C. T. Ting, “The remarkable nature of cylindrically orthotropic elastic material under plane strain deformations,” Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 52, 387-404 (1999).
4. [166] T. C. T. Ting, “The remarkable nature of radially symmetric deformation of spherically uniform linear anisotropic elastic solids,” J. Elasticity, 53, 47-64 (1999).
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics
Brown University, 1962
B.S. Civil Engineering
National Taiwan University, 1956