Professor Derrible joins project to build healthier cities

CME Professor Sybil Derrible

UIC researchers, including CME Professor Sybil Derrible, joined the Open-Source Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Computing Research, or OSCUR, a cohesive ecosystem of tools and resources to transform city data into knowledge and action.

The multi-institutional collaboration was funded by a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation, with $1.75 million going to UIC.

The UIC scientists will play a key role in realizing that potential through a new computing platform they are building for researchers and the public that can be used in different cities and around the world.

“The goal is to build new tools to make it much easier and seamless to work across datasets and data portals,” said Derrible, who is the director of the Complex and Sustainable Urban Networks Laboratory at UIC. “We want to build a community so we can get people together and use these tools to share their knowledge and their research questions.”

Read the full story at UIC researchers join national project to turn urban data into healthier cities.