Professor Vitousek quoted in Wired magazine story
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CME Assistant Professor Sean Vitousek was quoted recently in a Wired story about sea-level rise in Los Angeles.
Engineers are also getting better at figuring out exactly where to focus their efforts as sea levels rise. Researchers, for instance, build models of how waves will look in a particular area. “From comparing the model to how it performed over the historical data, we can sort of get a sense of is this model performing in a realistic manner,” says Sean Vitousek, an engineer at the University of Illinois Chicago. “And then we can use various projections in terms of sea level rise and wave heights going forward to sort of extrapolate where the shoreline might be over a long period of time.”
Read the full story at Los Angeles Must Pay Billions to Adapt—or Slip Into the Sea.
Learn more about Vitousek’s research at Environmental Fluid Mechanics laboratory.