Abolfazl Mohammadian, PhD
UIC Distinguished Professor and Department Head
Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering
Building & Room:
2093 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, MC 246, Chicago, IL 60607
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Research Interests
Travel Behavior Analysis
Transportation Planning and Demand Modeling
Goods Movement and Logistics
Travel Surveys
Transportation Systems Analysis
Choice Modeling and Applied Econometrics
Research Laboratory
The Transportation Laboratory (TransLab) is the research group in transportation engineering and planning in the Department of Civil and Materials Engineering. Current research activities pertain to travel behavior analyses, urban travel forecasting methods, emissions modeling, and the properties of solutions to the traffic assignment problem with fixed and variable demand. Translab has three transportation faculty. Faculty with expertise in activity-based modeling, travel behavior, air quality modeling, traditional transportation planning and transportation economics work with undergraduate, masters and doctoral students interested in transportation. Research is built around transportation planning and operationsis and is oriented towards methods for the planning, design, and operation of surface transportation systems. Solutions to problems in surface transportation facilities (infrastructure) are sought through the application of optimization and simulation methods. Our well established program has strong faculty support and well-developed interactions with the Urban Transportation Center (UTC). The Urban Transportation Center (UTC) is an interdisciplinary research unit at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). The center focuses on transportation research, education and outreach. The center has working relationships with local, regional, statewide and national agencies such as the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), US DOT and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Selected Publications
- Kouros Mohammadian, K. G. Goulias, E. Cicek, J. Wang, and C. Maraveas (editors), “Civil Engineering and Urban Planning III”, ISBN: 9781138001251, 560 pages, CRC Press, 2014.
Book Chapters:
- Pourabdullahi, Z., B. Karimi, A. Mohammadian, K. Kawamura, “An Agent-Based Supply Chain and Freight Transportation Model: Case Study for Chicago Metropolitan Area”, Chapter 6 in “Contemporary issues in supply chain management and logistics”, A. Pagano and M. Gyimah (editors), pp. 97-118, Business Expert Press, 2017.
- Auld, J., and A. Mohammadian. “Collecting Activity-Travel and Planning Process data using GPS-Based Prompted Recall Surveys: Recent Experience, and Future Directions”, in Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection and Analysis, S. Rasouli and H. Timmermans (editors), IGI Global, June 2014.
- Auld, J., and A. Mohammadian. “Development and Implementation of the ADAPTS Integrated Activity-Travel Model”, in Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects, M. Roorda and E.J. Miller (editors), pp. 177-200, Lulu Publishers, USA, 2013.
- Auld, J., M. Hope, and A. Mohammadian. “Simulation Frameworks for Integrated Modeling”, in Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects, M. Roorda and E.J. Miller (editors), pp. 253-278, Lulu Publishers, USA, 2013.
- Javanmardi, M., A. Talebpour, and A. Mohammadian. “Integrated Demand and Supply Model: A Network Wide Validation”, in Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects, M. Roorda and E.J. Miller (editors), pp. 279-298, Lulu Publishers, USA, 2013.
- Samimi, A., A. Mohammadian, and K. Kawamura. “Behavioral Freight Movement Modeling”, in Bhat, C.R. and R.M. Pendyala, Travel Behaviour Research in an Evolving World. Chapter 8, 22 pages, Lulu Publishers, USA, 2012.
- Fan, P., A. Mohammadian, P. C. Nelson, “A Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks”, Chapter 20, in Future Internet Services and Service Architectures, Anand R. Prasad, John F. Buford, Vijay K. Gurbani (editors), River Publishers, 2011, pp. 435-461.
- Mohammadian, A., J. Auld, and S. Yagi. “Recent Progress on Activity-Based Microsimulation Models of Travel Demand and Future Prospects”, Chapter 7, Transportation Statistics, Brian W. Sloboda (editor), J. Ross Publishing, 2009, pp. 151-172.
- Williams, C. A., P.C. Nelson, and A. Mohammadian, “Attribute Constrained Rules for Partially Labeled Sequence Completion”, Advances in Data Mining – Applications and Theoretical Aspects, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5633 LNAI, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (Petra Perner, ed.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 338-352.
Journal Publications:
- Golshani N, R. Shabanpour, S.M. Mahmoudifard, S. Derrible, A. Mohammadian, Modeling Travel Mode and Timing Decisions: Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Copula-based Joint Model. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2017.09.003.
- Pourabdollahi, Z., B. Karimi, A. Mohammadian, and K. Kawamura, A Hybrid Agent-based Computational Economics and Optimization Approach for Supplier Selection Problem, forthcoming in International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2017, doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2017.09.004
- Nazari, F., M. Noruzoliaee, B. Zou, and A. Mohammadian, Optimal facility-specific inspection and maintenance decisions under measurement uncertainty: A unifying framework, forthcoming in Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2017, doi: doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000402
- Shabanpour, R., Golshani, N., Langerudi, M. F., Mohammadian, A. K., Planning in-home activities in the ADAPTS activity-based model: A joint model of activity type and duration.International Journal of Urban Sciences, 2017, DOI:10.1080/12265934.2017.1313707.
- Shabanpour, R., Javanmardi, M., Fasihozaman, M., Miralinaghi, M., Mohammadian, A., Investigating the applicability of ADAPTS activity-based model in air quality analysis. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2017, DOI:10.1016/j.tbs.2017.02.004.
- Shabanpour R., N. Golshani, S. Derrible, A. Mohammadian, M. Miralinaghi, Joint Discrete-Continuous Model of Travel Mode and Departure Time Choices. forthcoming in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,2017, DOI:10.3141/2669-05.
Professional Memberships
- Committee Chair, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values (ADB10), April 2015-now.
- Chair, Behavioral Processes: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Subcommittee (ADB10(4)). Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2011-2014.
- Co-Chair, New Technologies Sub-committee (ABJ40-4), Travel Survey Methods, Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2009-2016.
- Member of the Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting (ADB40), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2009-2015.
- Member of the Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values (ADB10), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2004-2014.
- Member of the Committee on Telecommunications and Travel Behavior (ADB20), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2009-2018.
- Member of the Committee on Travel Survey Methods (ABJ40), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2008-2017.
- Member of the Task Force on Moving Activity-Based Approach to Practice, Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, 2006-2008.
- Member of the Committee on statistical methodology and statistical software in transportation research (ABJ80), TRB, National Academies, 1998-2004.
- Member of the International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), 2003-now.
- Faculty advisor – Student chapter of Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 2002-now.
- Registered Professional Engineer, Professional Engineers, Ontario, 1999-now.