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Photo of Indacochea, J. Ernesto

J. Ernesto Indacochea, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering


Building & Room:

3075 ERF


842 West Taylor Street, MC 246, Chicago, IL 60607

Office Phone:

(312) 996-5283


Research Interests

Joining and Welding Science.

Surface Modification and Coatings.

Corrosion and Materials Degradation.

Materials Characterization and Failure Analysis.

Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation and Remaining Life Assessment of Structural Materials.

New Materials Development for Fuel Cells.

Selected Publications

  1. K. Gattu*, W.L. Ebert, J.E. Indacochea. (2021) “Electrochemical corrosion of multiphase stainless steel-based alloy nuclear waste forms”. Nature: Materials Degradation (in press)
  2. K. Gattu, W.L. Ebert, J.E. Indacochea, S.M. Franke. (2021) “Electrochemical corrosion of a multiphase alloy/oxide composite nuclear waste form” Corrosion Science, 184, 1-10.
  3. ZhangG. OkudanA.D.C. Basantes-DefazR.M. GneitingS. SubramaniamD. Ozevin, J.E. Indacochea (2020). “Characterization of GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) Penetration Using Ultrasonics”. Materials, 13 (10), 2307
  4. Tehrani, Z. Abbasi, D. Ozevin, and J.E. Indacochea. (2019) “Metallurgical Characterization of a Low Carbon Steel Microstructure Using Linear and Nonlinear Ultrasonics”. J. Materials Engineering and Performance, 28 (12), 7206-7212.
  5. Kamali, N. Tehrani, A. Mostavi, S.W. Chi, D. Ozevin, J.E. Indacochea. (2019) “Influence of Mesoscale and Macroscale Heterogeneities in Metals on Higher Harmonics Under Plastic Deformation,” J. Nondestructive Evaluation, 38, 53.
  6. Rahman, W.L. Ebert, and J.E. Indacochea. (2018). “Effect of molybdenum additions on the microstructures and corrosion behaviours of 316L stainless steel-based alloys”. J. Corrosion Science, Engineering and Technology, 53 (3), 226-233.
  7. Abbasi, D Yuhas,., L. Zhang,. A.D.C. Basantes, N.N. Tehrani, D. Ozevin, and J.E. Indacochea. (2018) “The Detection of Burn-through Weld Defects using Noncontact Ultrasonics,” Metals, 11, 128.
  8. Chen, W.L. Ebert, and J.E. Indacochea. (2018). “A U-bearing composite waste form for electrochemical processing wastes”. J. Nuclear Materials, 501, 347 – 360.
  9. Chen, W.L. Ebert, and J.E. Indacochea. (2017). “Electrochemical corrosion of a noble metal-bearing alloy-oxide composite”. J. Corrosion Science, 124, 10 – 24.
  10. Mostavi, N. Kamali, N. Tehrani, SW Chi, D. Ozevin, and J.E.Indacochea. (2017) “Wavelet Based Harmonics Decomposition of Ultrasonic Signal in Assessment of Plastic Strain in Aluminum,” Measurement, 106, 66-78,.
  11. H. Wang, Y.J. Lee, R.S. Assary, C. Zhang, X. Luo, P.C. Redfern, J. Lu, Y.J. Lee, D.H. Kim, T.G. Kang, J.E. Indacochea, K.C. Lau, K. Amine, L.A. Curtiss. (2017) “Lithium Superoxide Hydrolysis and Relevance to Li-O2 Batteries”. J. Physical Chemistry C, 121(18), 9657-9661.
  12. Chen, W.L. Ebert, and J.E. Indacochea. (2016). “Formation and corrosion of a 410 SS/ceramic composite”. J. Nuclear Materials, 480, 244 – 256.
  13. Zhai, K.C. Lau, H. H. Wang, J. Wen, D.J. Miller, J. Lu, F. Kang, B. Li, W. Yang, J. Gao, J.E. Indacochea, L.A. Curtiss, and K. Amine. (2015) “Interfacial effects on lithium superoxide disproportionation in Li-O2batteries”. Nano Letters. 15 (2), 1041-1046.

Recent Books:

  1. Proceedings of the International Conference on Joining of Advanced and Specialty Materials V. ASM-International Materials Solution 2003. Eds. J.E. Indacochea, J.N. DuPont, T.J. Lienert, W. Tillmann, N. Sobczak, W.F. Gale, and M. Singh, Columbus, OH. October 7-10 (2002).
  2. Proceedings of the International Conference on Joining of Advanced and Specialty Materials IV. ASM-International Materials Solution 2002. Eds. J.E. Indacochea, J.N. DuPont, T.J. Lienert, W. Tillmann, and . M. Singh, Indianapolis, IN. November 5-8 (2001).

Notable Honors

2011, Mercator Fellow, German Research Society (DFG), Visiting Professor University of Dortmund

2006, Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Perú

2006, Fellow, American Welding Society (AWS)

2003, Fellow, American Society of Materials (ASM International)

2002, Professor Honoris Causa, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

2001, Adams Memorial Award, American Welding Society

2001, Visiting Research Scholar, Joining & Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Japan


Ph.D., Metallurgical Engineering
Colorado School of Mines, 1982

M.S., Metallurgical Engineering
Colorado School of Mines, 1978

M.S., Physics
Marquette University, 1974

B.S., Physics
Loyola University of Chicago, 1972