Jane Lin, PhD
Civil Engineering (Sustainable Transportation Systems)
Building & Room:
2089 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, MC 246, Chicago, IL 60607
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Areas of Research:
- Sustainable transportation systems modeling and design with a focus on
- mitigation of mobile source emissions, air pollution, and greenhouse gases,
- health exposure analysis to mobile source pollutants
- green freight transportation and urban logistics design and strategies
- public transport service
- new mobility service enabled by emerging technology
- Applications of data analytics and systems analysis methods in transportation
Courses taught:
- CME 302 Introduction to Transportation Engineering (U)
- CME 396 Capstone Design I (U)
- CME 441 City Logistics (U/G)
- CME 494 Public Transit Operations and Technology (U/G)
- ENGR 494 Autonomous Vehicles (G, team taught)
- CME 507 Sustainable Urban Transportation Systems (G)
- CME 555 Transportation Systems Analysis (G)
Joint appointment:
- Research Professor, Institute for Environmental Science and Policy, UIC
Selected Publications
[Selected publication since 2016]
- Lin, J., Chen, Q., Kawamura, K. (2016) Logistics Cost and Environmental Impact Analyses of Urban Delivery Consolidation Strategies, Networks and Spatial Economics, 16(1), 227-253.
- Vallamsundar, S., Lin, J., Konduri, K., Zhou, X., Pendyala, R. (2016) A Comprehensive Modeling Framework for Transportation-induced Health Exposure Assessment, Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and the Environment, 46, 94-113.
- Vallamsundar, S., Lin, J., Chang, Y.T. (2016) Estimating Externality of Population Health Exposure to Emissions From Transportation Sources, International Journal of Shipping and Transportation Logistics, 8, No.6, 632-652.
- Lin, J., Zhou, W., Wolfson, O. (2016) Electric Vehicle Routing Problem. Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 12, 508-521.
- Lin, J., Sasidharan, S., Ma, S., Wolfson, O. (2016) A Model for Multimodal Ridesharing and Its Analysis, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 164-173.
- Kafle, N., Zou, B., Lin, J. (2017) Design and Modeling of Crowdsourcing Enabled Relay System for Urban Parcel Delivery, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 99, 62-82.
- Wolfson, O., Lin, J. (2017) Fairness versus Optimality in Ridesharing, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 118-123.
- Foti, L., Wolfson, O., Lin, J., Rishe, N. (2017) The Nash Equilibrium Among Taxi Ridesharing Partners, Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 1-4.
- Lin, J., Zhou, W., Du, L. (2018) Is On-demand Same Day Delivery Service Green? Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and the Environment, 61, 118-139.
- Ayala, D., Wolfson, O., DasGupta, B., Lin, J., Xu, B. (2018) Spatio-temporal Matching for Urban Transportation Applications, ACM Transaction on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 3(4), 11-39.
- Zhang, L., Hu, X., Qiu, R., Lin, J., Zhang, H., Chen, Q., Tan, H., Lin, D. (2018) Trend analysis and forecast of PM2.5 in Fuzhou, China using the ARIMA model, Ecological Indicators, 95, 702-710.
- Ballare, S., Lin, J. (2018) Preliminary Investigation of a Crowdsourced Package Delivery System: A Case Study, Chapter 6 in City Logistics 3: Towards Sustainable and Livable Cities, ed. Taniguchi and Thompson: 109-128, ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Zhang, L., Hu, X., Qiu, R., Lin, J. (2019) Comparison of Real-world Emissions of LDGVs of Different Vehicle Emission Standards on both Mountainous and Level Roads in China, Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment, 69, 24-39.
- Conlon J., Lin, J. (2019) Emission Impact of Autonomous Vehicle introduction in an urban network, Journal of Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2673(5), 142-153.
- Zhou, W., Lin, J. (2019) An On-demand Same-Day Delivery Service Using Direct Peer-to-Peer Transshipment Strategies, Networks and Spatial Economics, 19 (2), 409–443.
- Foti, L., Lin, J., Wolfson, O. (2019) The Virtues of Fair Ridesharing. GeoInformatica 2019: 1-29.
- Lin, J., Wolfson, O. (2020) MY-AIR: A Personalized Air-pollution Information Service, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS), 105-112
- Ballare, S., Lin, J. (2020) Investigating the use of microhubs and crowdshipping for last mile delivery, Transportation Research Procedia 46, 277-284.
- Shen, H., Zou, B., Lin, J., Liu, P. (2020) Modeling Travel Mode Choice of Young People with Differentiated E-Hailing Ride Service in Nanjing China, Transport Research Part D: Transportation and Environment, Vol.78, online first.
- Lin, J., Zhou, W. (2020) Important Factors for Daily Routing Cost of Battery Electric Delivery Trucks. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15:7, 541-558
- Shen, H., Lin, J. (2020) Comprehensive Investigation of Crowdshipping Delivery Production with Real-world Data, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, online first.
- Zhang, L., Lin, J., Qiu, R. (2021) Use of Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) to Investigate the CO and NOx from gasoline and diesel vehicles in the mountainous city of China, Journal of Cleaner Production 286, 124957.
- Patankar, N., Lin, J., and Patankar, T. (2021) Mileage efficiency of cars. Journal of Cleaner Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, 100240.
- Lin, J., Nie, Y., Kawamura, K. (2022) An Autonomous Modular Mobility Paradigm – Vision Paper. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.
- Shen, H., Namdarpour, F., and Lin, J. (2022) Preliminary Investigation of Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery Preference Before, During, and After COVID-19, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol.14, 100580.
- Cheng, X. and Lin, J. (2024) Is Electric Truck a Viable Alternative to Diesel Truck in Long-haul Operation? Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and the Environment, Vol.129, April 2024, 104119.
- Cheng, X., Nie, Y. and Lin, J. (2024) An Autonomous Modular Public Transit Service, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging technologies, Special issue on ISTTT25, 104746.
- Shen, H. and Lin, J. (2024) Equitable and stable matching for a two-sided crowdshipping market, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol.79, 234-241.
- Shen, H. and Lin, J. (2024) A Courier’s Choice for Delivery Gigs in a Two-sided Crowd- shipping System with observed sender-courier preference discrepancy, Transportation, published online August 17, 2024.
Service to Community
- Editor, Transport Policy, January 2018 – present.
- Associate Editor, Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment, January 2017 – present.
- Editorial board member, Future Transportation, March 2023 - present.
- Editorial advisory board member, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, February 2008 – present.
- Editorial advisory board member, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, August 2011 - present.
Professional Leadership
Member (March 2022 - February 2026), Board of the Scientific Counselors, Climate Change subcommittee, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Chair (April 2020 – April 2024), Sustainability and Resilience Group (AM000), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Technical Activity Council Member (April 2020 - April 2024), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Vice Chair (October 2017 - April 2020), Section on Transportation Environment and Energy (ADC00), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Chair (April 2011- April 2017), Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (formerly ADC20 now AMS10), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Notable Honors
2001, doctoral dissertation award, University of California Transportation Center (UCTC)
2006, 2009, Faculty Research Award, UIC College of Engineering
2006, the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) Parker Award for Best Paper, Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC)
2019, Outstanding Paper Award for Best Presentation, 11th International Conference on City Logistics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 12-14, 2019
2021, Advising Award, UIC College of Engineering
2022, Best Paper Award, Committee on Freight Transportation Planning & Logistics, Transportation Research Board, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
2024, Best Paper Award, 2024 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS)
BS Civil Engineering (minor dgr: Comp. Sci), 1996
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
MS & PhD Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2000 & 2002 (minor dgr: Statistics)
University of California, Davis
Post-doc fellow, 2/2002-8/2003
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Selected Presentations
Invited keynote and panel presentations:
- “Incorporating Geographic/Spatial Sustainable Measurements in Transportation Planning and Operations”, Panelist for “NSF Sciences Behind Sustainability Quantification for Building & Infrastructure Design, Engineering and Construction Workshop” (S2QBIDEC), Fort Worth, Texas, Nov 7-9, 2012.
- Panel on Alternative Fuels Development as a Green Product Trend in USA, at the Global Commercial Vehicle and Off-highway Vehicle Summit 2017, Chicago, IL, December 6th, 2017.
- “Emerging Trends in Last-mile logistics: Where Do We Go from Here?”, Keynote speech at the Global Commercial Vehicle and Off-Highway Vehicle Summit 2017, Chicago, IL, December 6-8,
- Panel on Trends for New Energy Commercial Vehicles and How It Impacts the Future of Efficiency and Emissions, at the Global Commercial Vehicle and Off-highway Vehicle Summit 2017, Chicago, IL, December 7th, 2017.
- 2018 Ethanol Summit of the Asia-Pacific, Panel on the Environmental Benefits of Blending Ethanol into Gasoline – Impacts on Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions In Five Major World Capitals, Minneapolis, MN, May 22, 2018.
- Virtual Panel on Infrastructure, at the 25th Belle & Joseph H. Braun Memorial Symposium – Cutting through Academic Silos within the University of Illinois System to Achieve Sustainability, October 30, 2020.
- Panel on The Future of Transportation in Chicago, at the Chicago Council of Science and Technology (C2ST), , Chicago, IL, May 3, 2021.
- The Hill, Virtual panel on The Road to Zero Emission Trucks: Fleets and Shippers, September 15,
- Virtual panel on Work-life Balance, at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Special Emphasis Program, March 15, 2022.
- The Climate Change Challenge (CCC) International Transportation Webinar 2022, co-sponsored by China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS), Transportation Research Board (TRB), International Road Federation (IRF), European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), and Chinse Overseas Transportation Association (COTA), September 27/29, 2022.
- The Transportation Research Board annual meeting workshop on “Moving Together: Promises and Challenges in Co-Modal Passenger-Freight Transport”, Washington D.C., January 8, 2023.
- Panel on Emerging Trends in e-Commerce and How They May Impact Your Community, at the 2023 APA-IL State Conference, Naperville, IL, September 11, 2023.
- Workshop on the State of Science for Particulate Matter Health Effects, hosted by the Health Effects Institute (HEI), Arlington, VA, December 5-6, 2023.
- The 2024 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), Panel host on shared mobility, Riverside, CA, February 26-28, 2024.
- “Equitable and Sustainable Electrification of Freight Transportation”, Panel on Equity Bottlenecks in Sustainable Transportation Systems, at the Workshop on Envisioning Equitable Transitions to Sustainable Transportation Systems, A UIUC-UIC Collaborative Workshop Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Chicago, IL, May 16-17, 2024.
- “Equitable and Sustainable Electrification of Freight Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities”, Panel on Transportation Infrastructure and Climate Change, at the 2024 Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) Global Symposium on Mobility Innovations, Ann Arbor, MI, May 21-22, 2024.
- “Decarbonizing transportation systems: Challenges and Innovations”, Keynote speech at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Association of Chinese American Scientists and Engineers, Arlington Heights, IL, October 26, 2024.
- Panel on Resilient and Sustainable Highway Infrastructure, at the Workshop on Data that Extends the Life-Cycle of Highway Infrastructure Assets, the 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 5-9, 2025.
Research Currently in Progress
- “Development of a Project-Scale Air Quality Screening Tool”, funded by the Illinois Center for Transportation (ICT), August 16, 2024 – February 15, 2027.
- “Community-Driven Air Quality and Environmental Justice Assessment”, funded by the US Department Of Commerce (National Institute of Standards and Technology), October 2023 – September 2024.
- “Collaborative Research: NNA Research: Infrastructure Interdependencies in the Arctic: Reframing the Urban-Rural Interface”, funded by the National Science Foundation, September 2023 – August 2026.
- “Improving Transportation Services for Medical Patients and Veterans”, funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation, August 2023 – August 2025.
- “Electrification, Emissions, Exposure and Equity: Community-Driven Scenarios for Freight Vehicle Electrification”, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July 2023 – June 2026.
- “Tier 1 UTC: Center for Freight Transportation for Efficient and Resilient Supply Chain (FERSC)”, funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Center Consortium, June 2023 – June 2028.