Mustafa Mahamid, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Civil Engineering
Building & Room:
3069 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, MC 246, Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Research Interests
Dr. Mahamid’s research areas and interest include behavior of steel structures with the focus on steel connections for seismic applications, behavior of concrete structures with the focus on reinforced concrete joints and connections for seismic applications, earthquake resistant design, computations & mechanics, structural mechanics, Fire Engineering, and building codes and code development. As a practicing structural engineer, Dr. Mahamid is interested in studying the methods & techniques to bridging theory into practice, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools in structural engineering.
Selected Publications
Journal and Refereed Papers
1. Creep Model and FEA for ASTM A325 Bolts Response Under Simulated Fire Conditions (Submitted for Review)
2. Numerical Modeling of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns: Approach and Constitutive Models Comparison Study (Submitted for Review)
3. Composite Transmission Towers Part I: Design and Behavior (Submitted for Review)
4. Behavior of Cross-Laminated Timber Members with Unique Ply Orientation: Experimental and Numerical Study (Submitted for Review)
5. A Re-evaluation of f’m – Unit Strength Method, Face Shell and Fully Bedded Mortar Joints (Accepted)
6. Reinforced Concrete Element Analysis and Design Comparison using ACI 318/14, EC2, IS 456 and CSA A23.2/14: Columns (Submitted for Review)
7. Mustafa Mahamid, Didem Ozevin, Ines Torra-Bilal, Minoo Kabir, Steve Mastny; Soliman Khudeira, Brett W. Sauter, and Deborah Zroka, Structural Design and Inspectability of Highway Bridges, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 2019, 24(3):06019002
8. Mustafa Mahamid, Ataollah Taghipour Anvari, Ines Torra-Bilal, Tom Brindley, Michael McNallan, (2019) “Comparison of fire resistance of damaged fireproofed steel beams under hydrocarbon pool fire and ASTM E119 fire exposure”, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1108/ JSFE-02-2018-0004
9. Mohammadreza Eslami, Hisashi Namba, Venkatesh Kodur, Mustafa Mahamid, Mohamed Ali Morovat, Seismic behavior of composite beam connected to HSS column with large width-to-thickness ratio, Engineering Structures 183 (2019) 423-442
10. Mustafa Mahamid and Ines Torra, Analysis and Design of Cross-Laminated Timber Mats, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2019, ISSN (print):1084-0680 | ISSN (online): 1943-5576
11. Ataollah Taghipour Anvari, Mustafa Mahamid, Michael McNallan, Mohammadreza Eslami, (2019) “Effectiveness of damaged fireproofing in structural steel members subjected to fire”, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.24-47, https://doi.org/10.1108/JSFE-11-2017-0044 Permanent link to this document: https://doi.org/10.1108/JSFE-11-2017-0044
12. Alkhatib F, Rahman A and Mahamid M. Assessment of Potential Fracture of the Femur’s Nick during Fall for Different Bone Densities. SM J Biomed Eng. 2018; 4(1): 1027.
13. O. S. Ali and Mustafa Mahamid, Effect of Soil-Foundation Interaction on the Dynamic Response of a Four-Cylinder Compressor Foundation, Practice Periodical for Design and Construction, 2018, 23(3): 05018002, ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000380
14. Mustafa Mahamid & Majid Houshiar, Direct Design Method and Design Diagram for Reinforced Concrete Columns and Shear walls, Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier, 18 (2018), 66-75, DOI 10.1016/j.jobe.2018.02.015
15. Mustafa Mahamid, Nicholas Triandafilou & Challenges and Tom Brindley, Constructability Solutions for New Flare Gas Recovery Modifications in Oil and Gas Refineries: Case Studies for Five Different Flare Stacks, Practice Periodical for Design and Construction, 2018, 23(1): 05017004, ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000348
16. Ali Shrih, Adeeb Rahman, Mustafa Mahamid, (2018) “Finite element analysis of tension-loaded ASTM A325 bolts under simulated fire loading”, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1108/JSFE-06-2016-0006
17. David Fanella, Mustafa Mahamid, Michael Mota, Design of Voided Slab System, SP 321, ACI Special Publication, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2017.
18. Ali Shrih, Adeeb Rahman, Mustafa Mahamid, (2017) “Behavior of ASTM A325 bolts under simulated fire conditions: experimental investigation”, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1108/JSFE-06-2016-0005
19. Onur Seker, Bulent Akbas, Pinar Toru Seker, Mahmoud Faytarouni, Jay Shen, Mustafa Mahamid, Three-Segment Steel Brace for Seismic Design of Concentrically Braced Frames, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 137 (2017), 211-227
20. David Fanella, Mustafa Mahamid, Michael Mota, Flat Plate–Voided Concrete Slab Systems: Design, Serviceability, Fire Resistance, and Construction, Practice Periodical for Design and Construction, ASCE, March 2017, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000322.
21. Al-Hijaj M. and Mahamid M., Behavior of skewed extended shear tab connections part I: Connection to supporting web, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 128 (2017) 305–320
22. Al-Hijaj M. and Mahamid M., Parametric Study and Design Procedure for Skewed Extended Shear Tab Connections, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, March 2017, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000317
23. Mahamid M. and Al-Hijaj M., Behavior of skewed extended shear tab connections part II: Connection to supporting flange, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 128 (2017) 462-472
24. Malhas, F. A., M. Mahamid and A. Rahman Serviceability Performance of Concrete Beams Reinforced with MMFX Steel, International Journal of Modern Engineering, volume 17, number 1, Fall/Winter 2016.
25. Mustafa Mahamid, Cenk Tort, Mutaz Al Hijaj, Adeeb Rahman & Faris Malhas, Buckling Analysis of Transmission Steel Towers, International Journal of Modern Engineering, Vol 6, No.1, Fall/Winter 2015.
26. Mustafa Mahamid & Adeeb Rahman, Investigation of structural steel webs for punching shear, Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering, volume 9, number 9, 1129-1136, September 2015.
27. Mustafa Mahamid, Faris Malhas, & Adeeb Rahman, Structural Integrity for Structural Steel Building-Design and Detailing Requirements. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation, Spring/Summer 2014, Volume 6, Number 1.
28. Mahmoud Kamara, Mustafa Mahamid, Lawrence C. Novak, Historical Perspective on the Evolution of Two-Way Slab Design, ACI SP. 287, 2012.
29. A. A. Rahman, M. Mahamid, and Akef Amro, and Ghorbanpoor, FASCE. “Analyses of the Shear-Tab Steel Connections, Part I: Unstiffened Connections” Engineering Journal. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), 2nd Quarter issue 2007.
30. M. Mahamid, A. A. Rahman, and Ghorbanpoor, FASCE. “Analyses of the Shear-Tab Steel Connections, Part II: Stiffened Connections” Engineering Journal. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), 2nd Quarter issue 2007.
31. Rahman A., Urbanik T., Mahamid M. “FE Analysis of Creep and Hygroexpansion Response of a Corrugated Fiberboard to a Moisture Flow: A Transient Nonlinear Analysis”, Journal of Wood and Fiber Science, January 2006.
32. Adeeb Rahman, Rami Hawileh, and Mustafa Mahamid. (2004) “The effect of fire loading on a steel frame and connection.” Wessex Institute of Technology, High Performance Structures and Materials. WIT Press Publisher 2004. Edited by C.A Brebbia and W.P. De Wilde. pp. 307-316.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
1. Tayseer Tasbahji; Mustafa Mahamid, Ph.D.; and Mutaz Al Hijaj, Ph.D.; Rotational Ductility of Unstiffened Extended Shear Tab Connections Welded to Column Webs, Structures Congress 2019, Orlando, FL.
2. Ataollah Taghipour Anvari, S.M.ASCE; Ines Torra-Bilal, S.M.ASCE; and Mustafa Mahamid,Ph.D., S.E., P.E., F.ASCE, The Behavior of Structural Steel Elements with Damaged Fire Protection Material, Structures Congress 2019, Orlando, FL.
3. Ines Torra-Bilal; Mustafa Mahamid, Ph.D.; and Kamel Bilal, Ph.D.; Structures Performance of Precast Connections on a Moment Resisting Frame under Cyclic Loading, Structures Congress 2019, Orlando, FL.
4. Kamel Bilal, Ph.D.; Mustafa Mahamid, Ph.D.; and Cenk Tort, Ph.D., Effects of Shear Studs in Composite Columns’ P-M Interaction Diagrams, Structures Congress 2019, Orlando, FL.
5. Mustafa Mahamid, Ph.D., S.E., P.E., F.ASCE; Tayseer Tasbahji; and Cenk Tort, Ph.D., P.E. Investigating Different Horizontal Bracing Schemes on the Deflection and Behavior of Latticed Steel Transmission Line Towers, Structures Congress 2019, Orlando, FL.
6. Mark Guirguis, Slawomir Domagala, Mustafa Mahamid, Nicholas Triandafilou, and Jakub SzewczykCoker, Wire Rope Case Study, ASCE Forensic Congress, Austin, TX, 2018.
7. Hossein Ataei, Mustafa Mahamid, Didem Ozevin, and Ataollah Taghipour Anvari, Lessons Learned from the Deadliest Earthquake of 2017: Study of Damage and the Crisis Response Preparedness – ASCE Forensic Congress, Austin, TX, 2018.
8. Mustafa Mahamid, Tom Brindley, Nezar Abraham, and Nicholas Triandafilou, Material Deterioration, Fitness-for-Service Analysis, and Repair of a Steel Tank – ASCE Forensic Congress, Austin, TX, 2018.
9. Nicholas Triandafilou, Tom Brindley, and Mustafa Mahamid, Investigation and Methodology Approach Arctic Structure Forensic Study-ASCE Forensic Congress, Austin, TX, 2018.
10. Mustafa Mahamid, Kamil Bilal, and Cenk Tort, Composite Transmission Towers: Analysis, Behavior, Slip Investigation and Interaction Diagrams, Electrical Transmission & Substation Structures Conference 2018, ASCE, Atlanta, GA.
11. Mustafa Mahamid, Atollah Taghipour Anvari and Ines Torra-Bilal, Comparison of Fire Resistance of Damaged Fireproofed Steel Beams under Hydrocarbon Pool Fire and ASTM E119 Fire Exposure, 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire, Ulster University, UK, 2018.
12. Mustafa Mahamid & Majid Houshiar, Direct Design Method and Design Diagram for Reinforced Concrete Columns and Shear walls, Structures Congress 2018, Fort Worth, TX.
13. O.S. Ali and Mustafa Mahamid, Dynamic Response of a Four-Cylinder Compressor Foundation Considering the Effect of Soil-Foundation Interaction- A Case Study, Structures Congress 2018, ASCE, Fort Worth, TX, 2018.
14. Kamel Bilal and Mustafa Mahamid, Analysis and Behavior of Composite Transmission Towers, Structures Congress 2018, ASCE, Fort Worth, TX, 2018.
15. Nicholas Triandafilou, Tom Brindley, and Mustafa Mahamid, Arctic Engineering: Structural Evaluation on the North Slope of Alaska, Structures Congress 2018, ASCE, Fort Worth, TX, 2018.
16. Nicholas Triandafilou, Mustafa Mahamid, and Tom Brindley, Industrial Structure Repair Case Study: Structural Assessment and Repair Prioritization, Structures Congress 2018, ASCE, Fort Worth, TX, 2018.
17. Skewed Extended Shear Tab Connections: Behavior, Analysis and Parametric Study EUROSTEEL Conference, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2017.
18. Mustafa Mahamid & Adeeb Rahman, Investigation of Structural Steel Webs for Punching Shear, EUROSTEEL Conference 2014, Naples, Italy, September 2014.
19. Mustafa Mahamid, Cenk Tort, Mutaz Al Hijaj, & Adeeb Rahman, Buckling Analysis of Transmission Steel Towers, EUROSTEEL Conference 2014, Naples, Italy, September 2014.
20. Ali Shrih, Adeeb Rahman, & Mustafa Mahamid, Experimental Investigation of Tension Loaded ASTM A325 Bolts under Simulated Fire Loading, EUROSTEEL Conference 2014, Naples, Italy, September 2014.
21. Mustafa Mahamid, Adeeb Rahman, & Faris Malhas, Seismic Provisions for Steel Buildings: History, Recent Developments, and Future Prospects, EUROSTEEL Conference 2011, Budapest, Hungary, September 2011.
22. Mustafa Mahamid, Faris Malhas, Adeeb Rahman, Design of Steel Buildings for Structural Integrity, EUROSTEEL Conference 2011, Budapest, Hungary, September 2011.
23. Mustafa Mahamid, Tom Brindley, Nicholas Triandafilou and Slawomir Domagala, Behavior & Strength Parameters of Cross-Laminated Mats: Experimental and Numerical Study, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress. Denver, Colorado, 2017.
24. Ataollah Taghipour Anvari, Mustafa Mahamid and Michael J. McNallan, Behavior of structural steel members with damaged fireproofing ASCE/SEI Structures Congress. Denver, Colorado, 2017.
25. Mateusz Prusak, Nicholas Triandafilou, Mustafa Mahamid and Tom Brindley4, Constructability Solutions for Temporarily Supporting 200’ Flare Stack During Construction Modifications, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress. Denver, Colorado, 2017.
26. Nathan Westin and Mustafa Mahamid, Masonry Compressive Strength; A Re-evaluation of f’m and Comparison of Face-shell and Fully Bedded Mortar Joints, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress. Denver, Colorado, 2017.
27. Mutaz Al Hijaj and Mustafa Mahamid, Parametric Study and Design Procedure for Skewed Extended Shear Tab Connections ASCE/SEI Structures Congress. Denver, Colorado, 2017.
28. Mustafa Mahamid and Mutaz Al-Hijaj, Behavior of Stiffened Skewed Extended Shear Tab Connections, Joint GEO/SEI Congress, ASCE, Phoenix, AZ, February 2016.
29. Mutaz Al-Hijaj and Mustafa Mahamid, Behavior of Skewed Extended Shear Tab Connections, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, Portland, Oregon, April 2015.
30. R. Johnson and M. Mahamid “Design of Steel Connections for Tie Forces” ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, Orlando, FL, May 2010.
31. Mahamid, M., Rahman A., and Al-Ghorbanpoor, “Behavior of Extended Shear Tab Deep Connections” The 2005 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 2005.
32. Mahamid, M., Rahman A., and Al-Ghorbanpoor “Finite Element Analysis of Stiffened and Unstiffened Shear Tab Connections” 9th ASCE EMD/SEI/GI/AD Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 2004.
33. Titi H., and Mahamid M. “Evaluation of CPT Methods For Load and Resistance Factor Design of Driven Piles” ASCE Geo-Trans Conference Los Angeles, CA July 2004.
34. Rahman A., Mahamid M., and Al-Ghorbanpoor “Failure Modes of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections” 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Seattle, July 2003.
35. Rahman A., Mahamid M., Abou-Hanna J., and Malhas F. “Finite Element Non-linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Thin Shells” 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Seattle, July 2003.
36. Rahman A., Al-Ghorbanpoor, Amro A., and Mahamid M. “3D FE Model of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections” 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Seattle, July 2003.
37. Rahman A., Urbanik T., and Mahamid M. “Transient Non-linear Analysis of Moisture Flow through a corrugated Fiberboard” 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Seattle, July 2003.
38. Rahman A., Hawileh R., and Mahamid M. “Performance of Standard Steel Connections Used in High Rise Buildings due to Fire Loading” 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Seattle, July 2003.
39. Rahman A., Urbanik T., and Mahamid M. “Response of Corrugated Fiberboard to Moisture Flow: 3-D Finite Element Transient Nonlinear Analysis” Paper Physics Symposium, Victoria, Canada September 2003.
40. Rahman A., Hawileh R., and Mahamid M. “ Computational Model for Steel Connection in Fire Loading” SEI Conference Baltimore Maryland, October 2003.
41. Rahman A. and Mahamid M. “Functionally Graded Cellular Metal Alloys for Human-Joint Implants” 15th Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, New-York, June 2002.
42. Rahman A., Urbanik T., and Mahamid M. “Moisture Diffusion through a Corrugated Fiberboard under Compressive Loading: its deformation and Stiffness Response” Progress in Paper Physics Seminar Proceedings, Syracuse, New York, September 2002.
1. Editor-in-chief – Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill. In print, expected December 2019.
2. Editor-in-chief – Cross Laminated Timber, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill. In print, expected December 2019.
Book Chapters
1. Reinforced Concrete Design, Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing, NY, 2019.
2. Structural Loads, Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing, NY, 2019.
3. Timber Structures, Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing, NY, 2019.
4. Reinforced Concrete Shells, Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing, NY, 2019.
5. Design of Reinforced Concrete Silos, Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing, NY, 2019.
6. Structural Design of Cross Laminated Timber, Cross-Laminated Timber: Architectural, Structural, Environmental & Sustainability, 1st Edition.
7. Introduction to Cross-laminated Timber (CLT).
Conference Presentations
1. Mohammadreza Eslami, Hisashi Namba and Mustafa Mahamid, Modeling of Composite Beam Connected to Box-Column, 4th World Congress and Exhibition on Construction & Steel Structures, Atlanta, GA, 2017.
2. FEA of Non-traditional Cross-Laminated Timber, ANSYS Innovation Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2016.
3. Guide to the Design of Reinforced Concrete Two-way Slabs, ACI 2016 Spring Convention, Milwaukee, WI.
4. M. Mahamid “The Latest Provisions for Slab Shear Reinforcement and Seismic Design of Punching Shear Reinforcement in Flat Plates” ACI convention, St. Louis, MO, November 2008.
5. M. Mahamid “2005 ASCE 7 Seismic Provisions Updates and Comparison with the Current Israeli Seismic Provisions, SI 413” International Conference on Modern Trends in Earthquake Engineering, Ariel Israel, October 2007.
6. Rahman A., Papadopoulos C., Al-Khatib F., and Mahamid M. “Stress Distribution and Potential Failure in Femur’s Nick-Bone Due to Side Falls” Society of Experimental Mechanics Conference, October 2003.
Symposium Editor
SP-321 (SYMPOSIUM VOLUME): Recent Developments in Two-Way Slabs: Design, Analysis, Construction, and Evaluation. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2017. SYMPOSIUM VOLUME
SP-287: Recent Development in Reinforced Concrete Slab Analysis, Design, and Serviceability, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2012. SYMPOSIUM VOLUME
Journals Editorial Boards and Reviews:
1. Journal of Earthquake and Structures
2. Earthquake Spectra, EERI
3. ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction Journal, Associate Editor
4. Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering, member of the Editorial Board
5. Engineering Structures, Elsevier
6. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier
7. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
8. ACI Structural Journal
9. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering
10. Journal of Construction & Building Materials, Elsevier
11. Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal
12. Automation in Construction
13. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance
14. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
15. Numerous ACI Special Publication
16. Journal of Structural Engineering
Conference Abstract and Manuscript Reviews:
1. SEI/ASCE Structures Congress (2013-Present).
2. International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Tenth Conference (Chicago, IL), 2019.
Participating Book/Design Guide Author:
1. HSS DESIGN GUIDE volume IV: Member Design, Steel Tube Institute (STI), 2017.
2. HSS DESIGN GUIDE volume III: Member Design, Steel Tube Institute (STI), 2016.
3. HSS DESIGN GUIDE volume II: Member Design, Steel Tube Institute (STI), 2016.
4. HSS DESIGN GUIDE volume I: Section Properties & Design Information, Steel Tube Institute (STI), 2015.
5. Guide to Design of Reinforced Two-Way Slab Systems, ACI 421.3R-15, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2015.
6. Shear Reinforcement for Slab, ACI 421.1R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, in progress.
7. Guide to Seismic Design of Punching Shear Reinforcement in Flat Plates, ACI 421.2R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, in progress.
Notable Honors
2018, Harold A. Simon Award Excellence in Teaching, University of Illinois at Chicago
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Faculty Teaching Award, College of Engineering-University of Illinois at Chicago
2016, Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), F.ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers
2016, Fellow of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE, F.SEI, Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
2015-2016, UIC Master Teaching Scholar, University of Illinois at Chicago
2015, UIC INSPIRE Award, University of Illinois at Chicago
2003, Chancellor’s Graduate Student Award, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
2003, Tau Beta Pi, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
2003, Dissertation Fellowship, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
2001, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Ph.D., Civil Engineering and Mechanics University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
M.S. Civil Engineering Bradley University
B.S. Civil Engineering Eastern Mediterranean University
Licensures and Certifications
Licensed Structural Engineer (SE) in the State of Illinois.
Registered Professional Engineer in the states of Wisconsin, California, Washington, & Michigan (PE)
Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (P.Eng)
Registered Civil Engineer in Israel.
LEED Accredited Professional, LEED® AP
Certified at the Structural Engineering Certification Board in USA, SECB
Professional Memberships
- Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Program Evaluator. Serves as an Evaluator for Engineering Programs at Universities and Colleges.
- Member of the National Technical Program Committee (NTPC) for the Structures Congress, SEI/ASCE.
- Graduate Member of the Institute of Structural Engineers (IStructE), UK.
- Global Activity Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE-2017-2018 Chair
- Member of the 421 ACI-ASCE joint Committee (Slabs) – Committee Chair
- Member of the ASCE/SEI structural connection committee-Voting member.
- Member of the 441 ACI-ASCE joint Committee (Columns) – Voting Member
- Member of the 314 ACI Committee (Simplified Design) – Voting Member
- Member of the 315 ACI-CRSI joint Committee (Details of Concrete Reinforcement) – Voting Member
- Member of the seismic-general provisions subcommittee of the ASCE 7 Committee
- Member of the Dead/Live Load Subcommittee of the ASCE 7 Committee-Voting Member
- Associate Member of the ASCE 7 Committee (minimum loads on buildings and other structures)
- Member of the Board of Directors for the Steel Tube Institute (STI)
- Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Member of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Member of the American Concrete Institution (ACI)
- Member of The Masonry Society (TMS)
- Member of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- Member of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI)
- Member of the Pre-stressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
Research Currently in Progress
- Behavior, Analysis and Design of Skewed Extended Shear Tab
- Analysis of Composite Transmission Towers
- Effectiveness of Damaged Fire Proofing
- Behavior and Analysis of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT)
- Comparison of multiple Concrete Codes
- Seismic behavior, analysis and design of precast connections
- Seismic design of slab-column connections