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When the civil, materials, and environmental engineering department confirms upcoming research seminars, listings are published below.
Please note that research seminars typically go on hiatus between April, when students and faculty are moving into the final examination period, and late August, when our new students arrive.
If you are a researcher who would like to propose a seminar on a specific topic in civil or materials engineering, or if you have questions about research seminars at UIC CME, please contact us at
Upcoming Seminars Heading link
Wicked Problems: Lessons from the “Pilot Maker”
Friday, 11:00 am–12:00 pm
ERF Room 1047 and Zoom
Past Seminars Heading link
- 09.27.2019: Imad L. Al-Qadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
listings 2018-2019
- Dr. Edward Kavazanjian, Arizona State University
listings 2017-2018
- Rao Y. Surampalli, Global Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Kansas
- Frédéric Petit, Risk and Infrastructure Science Center, Global Security Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Computation Institute, University of Chicago
listings 2016-2017
- Stéphane Guilbert and Barbara Redlingshöfer, Montpellier SupAgro
- Andrew (Chihpin) Chuang, ANL
- Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory
- Dr. Thai Minh Quan
- Dr. S. Mohan, Indian institute of Technology Madras
- Dr. Santanu Chaudhuri, ARI
- Dennis G. Grubb, NSF-NATO, ASCE EWRI
- Surendra P. Shah, Northwestern University
- Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Mutaz Al Hijaj, University of Illinois at Chicago, Jordan University of Science and Technology
- Myoungsu (James) Shin, UNIST
- Mr. Inshu Minocha, CDM Smith, Inc
- Joe Jacobazzi, Chief of Engineering of the Chicago District
- Theodore Endreny, State University of New York
- Dr. Oluwaseyi Balogun, Northwestern University
- Dr. Pablo L. Durango-Cohen, Northwestern University
- Michael Thompson, Argonne, Department of Homeland Security, Google
listings 2015-2016
- Gregório Luis Silva Araujo
- Dr. Reza Shahbazian-Yassar
- Charles R. Stack
- Dr. Shruti K Mishra
- Dr. Umakant Mishra
- Greg Mulac and Brad Carter
- Shobha K. Bhatia
- Jeffrey Sriver
- Dr. Kimberly A. Gray
- Dr. Hamed Hatami-Marbini
- Dr. Genevieve Giuliano
- Dr. Daniel Work
- Dr. M.T. Mathew
- Dr. Donald E. Yuhas
- Janet Attarian
- John Mulrow
- Dr. Eugene Mohareb
- Mohammad Amin Hashemian
- Dr. Adilson E. Motter
- Dr. Ting Lin
- Dr. Brian Ziebart
- Dr. Andrew Dombard
- Dr. Lili Du
- Dr. Max Berkelhammer
- Dawn Cosentino
- C.S. Chen
Listings 2014-2015
- Dr. Jamshid Mohammadi
- Dr. Daniel C. Simkins, Jr
- Dr. Meead Saberi
- John Pearson
- Dr. Sean Vitousek
- Dr. Brent Stephens
- Dr. Greg Wagner
- Dr. Youssef Hashash
- Dr. Greg Newmark
- Dr. Amanda Stathopoulos
- Mr. Matthew Huffman
- Dr. Charles J. Carter
- Dr. C. Armando Duarte
- Dr. Dimitrios Zekkos
- Dr. Roy Haggerty
- Thomas Powers
- John Fortmann
- Shih-Po Lin
- Dr. David Levinson
- Dr. Kurt Spokas
- Dr. George Wells
- Dr. David Kosnik
- Dr. Giuseppe Buscarnera
- Dr. William Baker
- Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu
listings 2013-2014
- Listings coming soon
listings 2012-2013
listings 2011-2012
- Dr. Al Ghorbanpoor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, City University Institute for Urban Systems
- Dr. Yuanjie Li, Xi’an Jiaotong University
listings 2010-2011
- Dr. Aftab Mufti
- Maria Feng
- Hermann Nienhaus
- Richard Brachman, Queen’s University
- Mark Milke, University of Canterbury
- Imad Al-Qadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ATREL, ICT
listings 2009-2010
- Daniel Sperling, University of California, Davis
- Deb Niemeier, University of California, Davis
- Oliver Gao, Cornell University
- Craig H. Benson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Victor Giurgiutiu, University of South Carolina,