UIC’s ASCE student chapter hosting ‘Legends’ event on Aug. 5
August 5, 2020
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The UIC student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is hosting its first meeting of the semester with Patrick Kielty, a retired transportation engineer and University of Illinois alumnus, on Wednesday, Aug. 5, at 7 p.m.
Kielty received an undergraduate degree in civil engineering in 1976 and has worked on several major construction projects during his career, collaborating with contractors and consulting engineers in northern Illinois. These projects include Chicago’s deep tunnel, sewers, and the Lake Shore Drive relocation and museum campus addition; the O’Hare Field International Terminal; and the redevelopment of Glenview’s naval air station into “The Glen.” Additionally, he has worked on several infrastructure improvements such as water main replacements, bridges, and several storm water pump stations and detention pond facilities currently under construction in Elmhurst, Illinois.
Kielty will be discussing his experience as an engineer and answering questions from the attendees.
UIC alumna Michelle Calcagno is the founder and leader of the ASCE Legends program and will be moderating the event.
The first ASCE Legends event was held in February 2020 at UIC. It is a national ASCE initiative designed to pair seasoned and retired civil engineers with younger members and students in a collective effort to share expertise, experiences, and wisdom as part of the national ASCE’s Diversity and Inclusion best practices.
Additional meeting information:
Zoom link: https://uic.zoom.us/j/94498041296?pwd=aHhPZmkzSFVlMEdsVHBvbkw3ZFN6QT09
Meeting ID: 944 9804 1296
Password: 6u%.q&Su
Date posted
Apr 27, 2021
Date updated
Apr 27, 2021