Reception honoring Alfred Benesch & Company and Mr. Harold Sandberg, chairman emeritus

Reception Honoring Alfred Benesch & Company and Mr. Harold Sandberg, Chairman Emeritus

The Alfred Benesch & Company engineering firm is a mainstay of the CEPAC board and the College of Engineering Advisory Board. For decades, Benesch has funded scholarships for civil engineering students, provided internships, and hired graduates while guiding them through their engineering career. No wonder that UIC alumni make solid careers with the firm!

The Department of Civil and Materials Engineering proudly presented a plaque of appreciation to David Morrill as a Benesch representative to CEPAC to commemorate this long relationship.

Current Benesch Chairman of the Board Muthiah Kasi follows in that tradition as a member of the College and departmental advisory boards. Kasi funds annual scholarships for civil engineering undergraduates in addition to those that the firm underwrites. He received a plaque honoring his dedication to UIC and our students from department head Dr. Farhad Ansari. He spoke of the gem that is UIC and how he thinks that Chicago area companies must support the University of Illinois Chicago College of Engineering.

Muthiah Kasi’s predecessor, who spoke of Kasi’s accomplishments and career later that evening, is Chairman Emeritus Harold Sandberg, who led the company for much of its history. Mr. Sandberg joined Benesch in 1947 after receiving his BS and MS in 1942 and 1947 respectively, from UIUC. His greatest research interests are structural redundancy and durability.

The College and department celebrated Mr. Sandberg for the leadership that he has provided.

More than thirty years ago, the College inaugurated an advisory board with Alfred Benesch & Company. as an original member. Dean of Engineering, Pete Nelson, had the honor of introducing Harold Sandberg and teaching the audience about Mr. Sandberg’s long history as a professional engineer and with UIC. It was a good lesson for the students, CEPAC members and faculty in attendance.

To remember that loyalty and steadfast participation, Dr. Ansari spoke of the long relationship as he has known it while department head. The department, wishing to present Mr. Sandberg with a gift he would use – not just see – had two canes created; one for daily use with an inscription, and its twin, which will hang in the department’s library. That library commemorates the service of former faculty member and chair of CEPAC, Professor Robert H. Bryant.